
Cracking the Code for Mobile Advertising February 2, 2015

Here’s irony: on a desktop, laptop and even a tablet to a degree, this WIRED MAGAZINE article is surrounded by advertising – but the flow of the article is intact. Not so on a smartphone. The article itself becomes an illustration of the problem. Where does the advertising go? Disruptively – into the text stream of the article. Suddenly, in the middle of reading about Google’s struggle to monetize the mobile platform, Glamour Magazine tempts readers with No-Bake Cherry Oat Balls. GQ intrudes with bikini-clad models. Readers have a choice: ignore the ad (likely) or else immediately stop reading the article, click on a link and jettison wired.com. This can’t be effective for the advertiser nor the magazine, and it makes reading the article annoying.

The landscape has changed, but the approach to advertising hasn’t. Web pages are still pages and advertising is still display – and the problem with this approach becomes immediately evident on the small screen.

Group Mojo is a digital content and direct response marketing agency with headquarters in Portland, Oregon.

Sam Rath

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